Wednesday, September 25, 2019

My Samurai Soldier Poster!

This is my Japanese Samurai Soldier poster. Recently we have been learning about the country Japan,
and in the pre-modern Japanese times there where people called Samurai. The Samurai had many quality's such as: honesty, bravery, loyalty, self-control, justice, respect, integrity, compassion and courage.

Something that I really liked about my picture is how I added the 8 virtues of bushido.
( the  8 virtues of bushido are the rules that they followed and their quality's )
Something that I could have done is make the 8 virtues of bushido photo a bit bigger.
but overall I like my poster ALOT!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Voyager Waka Skech

At the moment my class is learning about voyagers, we all sat in a circle and Miss Forster placed a waka in the middle of the circle.

We had to draw the waka of what WE saw not what we THOUGH we saw.

We used the tecniks that we knew like smudging, blending, dots 3D and 2D shapes.

This is my skech of the waka, I hope you like it!

The thing I liked about it was that I used detail, smudging and atualy drew what I saw.
Something that I can do better is I could have managed my time better so that I could have finished all of it. I also could have made the back longer like the original.
Next time I do something like this I could add more detail in the front as well as some shading.

Thursday, August 15, 2019


This is my slide show on my brother Khobe,
I liked that I had lots of information on my slides and that they were true.
What I could of done better was my conclusion and diagram.
I could have gone more realistic on my diagram, 
and for my con conclusion I could have spent more time on it.
I was out of ideas for my conclusion, so I could have done it over the week-end
but we needed to post it on our blogs.

Overall I think I did pretty well.                       🙋😁

Sunday, August 11, 2019


Tittle:   The Baby-Sitting Club,  The truth about Stacy.                          

Author:  Raina Telgemeier

Illustrator:  Braden Lamb

Year of publication:  2006

The main characters:  

Kristy Thomas, a real clown and is always pulling out new ideas.

Stacy Mcgill, although she has diabetes she lives a normal life and loves to be outdoors.

Claudia Kishi, is an absolute artist she loves making new friends to invite over.

Mary-Anne Spier, a bit shy but loves to be with her friends.


Since Stacy lived in NYC things haven't been the same,
Stacy got diabetes and moved into a little town called Stoney-Brook. 
At Stoney-Brook Stacy met some new friends,
Marry-Anne, Claudia and Kristy. They introduced Stacy to the baby-sitting club.
Later in the year some other kids at their school also started a baby-sitting job they call themselves THE B.S. AGENCY.
Then they only got three calls a week between all four of them, they use to get fourteen calls a week.
Eventually they defeated the agency and get back their usawill amount every week.

I recommend this book to ages:

Ten and over.

Overall I rate this book:

Nine/Ten                   ⇩   

I would have liked it better if there was a better ending to it.

This is me in my Book Character Day costume. 
My character is Kristy-Thomas from The Baby-Sitting Club.
She wears a grey hoodie that goes down to her knees and blue ripped jeans that end just above her ankles.
I did not forget hands I just had a really big hoodie on.
As you can see I had a Daffodil on my hoodie strings.

from this book I learnt to never be afraid of telling someone your problams and step up when its the right time.
something I think I did well is my punchuation on my sub headings.
something I think I need to work on is my summary I think that I skiped from part to part with out any connections between them.


Thursday, June 20, 2019


Matariki Art!!!

Yesterday our class did Matariki, I chose to do Ururangi.
Ururangi represents the wind.
I think that Ururangi the wind should be appreciate.
One thing I could have done better is to make the wind strokes bolder.

Thursday, June 6, 2019


When I ate my persimmon it crunched like an apple.
  Crunchy, smooth, round, persimmons.
The perfect persimmons taste tariffic.
   Why do persimmons have big stars in the middle of them?,
The seeds are so BIG!!!
 I nervously chewed and swallowed with a big “ Gulp ”.

 When I bit into my persimmon it crunched and juice flew
out to the sides of my mouth.
The juice slid down the back of my throat,
giving me vitamins, minerals, fiber and ENERGY!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

This term we are learning about food for thought, and on
Wednesday we measured out how much sugar was in each drink.
The drink that Mania, Conner and I did it had 11g of sugar in it.
we had to scoop the sugar in the cup.

Thursday, May 2, 2019


What is the ocean???

a home to salt water fish, 
to give us oxygen from the plants,
a place of life and death,
to dive for crayfish,

for dolphins, turtles, whales, jelly fish and kelp,

a variety of spiecies, so we can cool of on hot days,
the ocean is very vast,

Thats the ocean

The moon.

Midnight on the moon,
where all the aliens play,
as the rocket lands.

I learnt what definishion poetry is its wher you describe what your writing about but not tell its like show not tell.

something that I could better next time is I could write more dicribing words in my (whats the ocean???) poetry.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The juicy pickle-mellon of joy
As I was giving my water-melon  the juice dribbled
down my hands.It smelt like  summer picnics(if that makes sense).The water-melon was sticky and I sniffed it.
I looked at it the dark black seeds looked like
disgusting bugs living inside of it.
 “Sniff sniff sniffidisniff” “mmmmm”the watermelon
smelt delish.
“S-S-Sluuurp”the juice dribbled and danced down my chin.
 The water-melon was delicious.
“Oooooooo” I screwed up my face I bit into a SEED “YUK”
  I Looked at it it looked like a goat had attacked it well it
does now that im here.
But if you swallow a seed will it grow in your tum-tum?
The water-melon when I ate it it sounded like
“S-S-S-sluuuuurp” and “dibdibdib”
I really liked it because I havent had red triangle fruit for years

My About the sun document.

About the sun.
Everyone loves to play in the sun.
The sun is very hot  and is made up of lots
of gas and chemicals.The sun can also harm
things, and people. The sun also can burn
 you and give you horrid skin cancer.
How hot can the sun get?
The hottest part of the sun os the corona
part, the sun itself can get up to 27.000000℉.
 The corona part of the sun can get up to approximately
What is the sun made of?
The sun is a big ball of helium, gas and nitrogen.

( lots of chemicals elements and a bit of gas).ic belive that

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

this is my cybersmart google drawing,  this drawing is about being sun smart and what I think are interesting facts you might want to know.