Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Colours And Shapes In Māori!

   In our Te Reo times this term and last term, we have been learning our ahua (shapes) and our Nga Tae (Colours). We made slides about them and I created this one.

I wasnt here when the instructions where givin so I asked three people what to do one of them said shapes the others said colours so I thought we were ment to do both. I ended doing this on accedent,

  kinda cool though;

The Comeback Of the Hawk

 We have recently learnt about moment in time writing, it is when you read or watch something and then write what it would be like from one of the characters perspective. I watched a video called 'Squirrel escaping from dangerous hawk' Link; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_We20_2x2sc&feature=emb_title .

I decided to write in the hawkes perspective and it turned out really good:

Cybersmart 2020 recap.

This year in Cybersmart we have been learning about so many tools and skills and even some mindset work when we are learning! Today we created a screencastify about our slide shows that we'd earlier made. They were about what we've learnt this year in Manaiakalani. Some of my favourite things that I've learned to do are make DLO's, i think that they are realy fun to make because you get to be creative. Some of the things that have been the most challenging are look throughs, when we have to go through a lot of stuff and sort it, i don't like it and it's really hard. Some things I wish we had learned about that we didn't, or learned more about are more toolsets so that I could use even more. When we made our review, I was thinking about our manaiakalani teacher Mrs. Williams because I tried to think about how she explained stuff to us and how much she taught us about this year.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Summer Learning Journey Teaser

Today we went on Art Colouring book and chose a famouse painting to recolour.

I enjoyed recolouring this paining because the original was quite grey and plain, boring..
   I learnt a little bit about paintings and textures during the process, a quick process.
It wasn't hard at all! Our task was super easy and fun, I want to do this again!
   The easy part was colouring definitely, all that you had to do for the colour was choose 
a colour and place your mouse and click where you want the colour!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

What Christmas Means To Me

 The Gisborne Herald have invited us to write a letter to them about what Christmas means to us.

   I thought about all of the things that to me, mean Christmas. I decided to write it in a little bit of a poemy style, I found it hard end my poemy story because I always found something more to add on.

   We also had to make a animation, scratch or google drawing to go with it, I have made a google drawing for the front page and have made the rest with slides. It is not finished yet, but it will be soon.

   You can find my Christmas writing on the second slide.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


   Today we learnt about phishing, it is when people say they did something when they didn't, or when someone photoshops a photo so it looks like they went somewhere or did something.

    I created a fake postcard, it had to look real. So I took a photo of myself, removed the background and stuck myself on top of 'My new mansion in America'. It was hard removing the background, the computer did  not take out everything in the background, so I had to erase some stuff to make it look realer.

  I had Zach help me take my photo because there was no timer on the camera so Zach took the photo of me. 

   Here is the end result of my post-card!

Monday, October 19, 2020

What makes a good recount

     Earlier today Joelle and I discussed 10 important things that you must have in a writing recount for it to be more proper and interesting.

   First, before we started discussing things we watched a video. The video was about recounts! We got some of our things from the video we watched. We had to write our writing goal at the end of our blog post to see if we accomplish it! It took us one and a half writing sessions to finish our brain storming but it was worth it so,

    Here is what we think are important to incorporate in a recount;

  • In your introduction it is important to answer the five W's, who, what, where, when, and why.
  • Include your senses; see, smell, hear, feel, and touch.
  • Seperate your brainstorming into different sections (paragraphs) based on the topic of each idea.
  • Make sure your recount is in the right order. 
  • Maybe add a 1. 2. 3. planning so you remember what order your recount goes.
  • Use correct nouns and pronouns.
  • Add rich language.
  • End your recount with what you ended up feeling at the end, e.g I was glad I went to the doctors.
  • Try use time connectives.
  • Make sure to use correct punctuation.
  My writing goal for the remainder of this year is to become a level 4 writer and to become a faster one.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Rangi and Papa E-Book

 In the last few weeks Team Toro have been learning about Rangi and Papa, a maori myth/legend. 

  We have been reading the book in our Te Reo times on most fridays, and we figured that we had enough knowledge to create a interactive E-book about Rangi and Papa. Everyone in our co-operative groups made their slide about one part of the book Rangi and Papa.

   The part that I made was in the beginning when the decide that they don't want to live in the darkness anymore and that they decide they will push their parents apart.

I found it very easy to make my side because I think that im pretty skilled ha! Though to the others ( Zack, Ceejay and Te Aroha ) it looked they were struggling.

Here it is!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

My Book Review

      We were learning about bacteria, viruses and antibiotic resistance. We learnt that antibiotic resistance is 
  when you take antibiotics and they don't work. We also learnt about a man named Alexadera Fleming, he  was a specialist in bacteria. He discovered penicillium, he was growing it in a petri-dish that was left in his
      bag on his way home from a holiday. Penicillium moved on to be our first antibiotic! 

     I found it easy to to find what book I wanted to make my book review on,because, we and already been reading and learning all about a book called Resistance. 

     For me it was hard to write the 'I think' and 'In my opinion' because, they are pretty much the same thing and its hard to re-write something that  you  have already written. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Teaching you how to make your sprite move!

 Today I created a video of me recording ( using screencastify ) how to make a sprite move on scratch.

I found it easy to... well make it move because im pretty good at scratch already!

It was hard to try not to get toung tied, because thats a thing that happens to me alot!

Next time I will creat the video outside and when theres better internet.

My scratch game

 Today I played around with scratch, I made my own game, my scratch game is about quality commenting. Im still currently working o n it but im sure it will be much better when its comlete.  if you want to play scratch go here -https://scratch.mit.edu/ if you want to see my scratch game go here -  https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/418681164/

It easy to come up with a game layout idea, I already had a layout type in mind. Ealier this year Ive made a gem collecting game witch I quite liked so I decided to try make another one like it.

Coding is the tricky part, its a bit hard to find the right block and or if they even HAVE the block your looking for.

Its not quite finished yet, though it will update as I finish it!

Monday, August 10, 2020

My Favorite Time Of Day

 We were learning about our favorite time of day, sunrise, mid-day, evening, dusk and midnight, we had to introduce our favorite time of day, then we had to describe what you do at this time, what it looks like and we had to have used a variety of sentence starters.

I found it easy to figure out what my Favorite time of day was, it was easy because I already knew.

I found it harder to publish, because it was hard to find the right photos to insert because there's not a lot of selection. Oh and inserting my published version into this blog post was a bit tricky because it was hard to find the right size.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Awapuni School Fun Run!

This is my writing about the Awapuni School fun run!

I found it easy to write my draft writing, because to me writing is very fun and easy. Recrafting and editing was a little bit harder but that was still easy to do!

Copy and pasting the writing into the slide was also very easy though.

I found it harder to publish, because it was hard to find the right background that didn't take away from the writing and still made it easy to read the writing. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What makes a quality blog comment?

Today we were leaning about what makes a quality blog comment, I learnt that a quality blog comment has correct punctuation, POWER WORDS ( The opposite of LAZY WORDS ) and something  positive, helpful and something thoughtful.

Something that I found rather easy was the opening page because its got quite a simple design and didn't take too much time to create, it was also quite easy to insert the google drawing into the slide, because all that I had to do was screen shot my google drawing and then insert it into the slide.

I found it quite hard to create the second page/slide because it has lots of different fonts and colours and took a while to come up with witch ones to use, it actually took quite a long time to come up with the design for it!

Next time I would try make my words a different colour and or font to try and make them easier to read because they are quite hard to read at the moment!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

My slide about Ururangi.

Today we were learning about Ururangi the second youngest star in the Matariki cluster, Ururangi is the star in control of the wind. I also learnt that the moon is half the size of a star it is just closer to us.

I found it easy to insert my information because I had recently wrote a report about Matariki, and, in my old class room 1 I drew and studied Ururangi so I knew lots about her.

I found it hard to get my links and photos onto the slide because there was lots of words and imformation on my slide and it was hard to find a space to put them onto.

Next time I would.... I dont know exactly what I would do..?


Tuesday, June 23, 2020


A few weeks ago I learnt how to use polly-line, It was very fun! I learnt how to match the colours by using  colour picker!

I found it easy to match and place my colours that I needed onto my colour pallet before I started so it was easier, I did this because you cant go through polly-line with colour picker!

I found it hard to use the polly-line to follow the lines of what I wantedto fill because there was lots of detail on my photo and lots of small curvs and detailed tiny areas that were hard to get to.

My co-opretave avatar leaning!

Today we were learning about co-opretave working, ( working togther ) and creating an avatar.

I found it easy to come up with the animal and element for the avatar with my buddy, because we both agreed quite quickly on it.

I found it tricky to insert the photos onto the google drawig because it was hard to find the right png photo to insert and make sure it fitted well with the animal.

Next time I will Try to talk more with my buddy insted of just adding in things with out saying or asking first. That would have made making it much easier.

My Matariki Report

Today we were leaning about writing reports on Matariki and the factual information that needs to go in a report.

I found it easy to put my information onto the slide because it was just copy and pasting off my Report Matariki DOC.

I found it hard to atualy WRITE my DOC so that I could copy and paste, It only took me 2 days to write the doc and another day to recraft. ( not realy that long but...Hmmf )

Next time I write and or publish a report I think I should listen better to the instructions so I know exactly what to do after ive finished one half of it other than wasting time asking my friends what to do.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Maddisyns Quality Blog Comment

Today we were learning about quality commenting on other peoples blog, you have to say something positive, something thoughtfull and something helpfull.

I found it easy to create my slide. Because, all that I was needed to do on the slide was insert my screenshot of my comment, create a backround, name art title, and point the arrows towards the places were I had done well.

I found it challenging to comment, it took me a while to figure out what to say ant what pice of work to comment on. I ended up commenting on the very first pice of work that was hanging at the top of Meekas blog.

Next time I do some quallity commenting I need to, move quicker and decide whos blog to comment on and what piece to comment on quicker.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

My blog tour of Manaias blog!

Today we were learning about screencastify!
I found it easy to make the screencastify itself and embed my slide into my blog post,
But I found it hard to import the screencasify in  to my slide, it was realy tricky!
Next time I do a screencastify I need to write my words down on a pice of scrap paper!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

My Blog Tour

Today we were learning about screen castify and trying to teach others about our blog.

I found it easy to make my slide for my screen castify.

I found it hard to make my screen castify video, it was super hard to not get tounge tied and get the perfect video.

Next time I make a screen castify I need to maybe write it down on a pice of paper first. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

All About Me

Hi my name is Maddisyn, I go to Awapuni School. I'm a year 6 and I'm 10 years old. I have 1 brother and 5 sisters, I prefer not to share the names.

As a learner I am quite good at writing stories and science. I enjoy doing both of those things as well. One of my challenges is Maths, I find it quite difficult at times.
My  learning goals for this year is to become level ten on epic and try to get better at focusing  more in class and try to get better at math.

This year I am looking  forward to being at level one. One of my personal achievements this year is to figure out how to code! Someone who inspires me is my Nana. She is kind, Brave and is really nice to everyone.

Today we were learning about profiles!

I found it quite easy to figure out what to put down but...

Since we were using speech detects what I found challenging was saying the words, and editing it up properly at the end!

Next time I would probably type it myself!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

About Me

Today we learnt about public and private information.

I found it quite easy to take the photo and change my text above it to be my name and to be the colours it is now.

I found it challenging to change the shape of my photo.

Next time I would try not to worry that much about what colour things are and focus more on the things that I have to do first!