Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Teaching you how to make your sprite move!

 Today I created a video of me recording ( using screencastify ) how to make a sprite move on scratch.

I found it easy to... well make it move because im pretty good at scratch already!

It was hard to try not to get toung tied, because thats a thing that happens to me alot!

Next time I will creat the video outside and when theres better internet.

My scratch game

 Today I played around with scratch, I made my own game, my scratch game is about quality commenting. Im still currently working o n it but im sure it will be much better when its comlete.  if you want to play scratch go here -https://scratch.mit.edu/ if you want to see my scratch game go here -  https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/418681164/

It easy to come up with a game layout idea, I already had a layout type in mind. Ealier this year Ive made a gem collecting game witch I quite liked so I decided to try make another one like it.

Coding is the tricky part, its a bit hard to find the right block and or if they even HAVE the block your looking for.

Its not quite finished yet, though it will update as I finish it!

Monday, August 10, 2020

My Favorite Time Of Day

 We were learning about our favorite time of day, sunrise, mid-day, evening, dusk and midnight, we had to introduce our favorite time of day, then we had to describe what you do at this time, what it looks like and we had to have used a variety of sentence starters.

I found it easy to figure out what my Favorite time of day was, it was easy because I already knew.

I found it harder to publish, because it was hard to find the right photos to insert because there's not a lot of selection. Oh and inserting my published version into this blog post was a bit tricky because it was hard to find the right size.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Awapuni School Fun Run!

This is my writing about the Awapuni School fun run!

I found it easy to write my draft writing, because to me writing is very fun and easy. Recrafting and editing was a little bit harder but that was still easy to do!

Copy and pasting the writing into the slide was also very easy though.

I found it harder to publish, because it was hard to find the right background that didn't take away from the writing and still made it easy to read the writing.