Thursday, September 24, 2020

Rangi and Papa E-Book

 In the last few weeks Team Toro have been learning about Rangi and Papa, a maori myth/legend. 

  We have been reading the book in our Te Reo times on most fridays, and we figured that we had enough knowledge to create a interactive E-book about Rangi and Papa. Everyone in our co-operative groups made their slide about one part of the book Rangi and Papa.

   The part that I made was in the beginning when the decide that they don't want to live in the darkness anymore and that they decide they will push their parents apart.

I found it very easy to make my side because I think that im pretty skilled ha! Though to the others ( Zack, Ceejay and Te Aroha ) it looked they were struggling.

Here it is!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

My Book Review

      We were learning about bacteria, viruses and antibiotic resistance. We learnt that antibiotic resistance is 
  when you take antibiotics and they don't work. We also learnt about a man named Alexadera Fleming, he  was a specialist in bacteria. He discovered penicillium, he was growing it in a petri-dish that was left in his
      bag on his way home from a holiday. Penicillium moved on to be our first antibiotic! 

     I found it easy to to find what book I wanted to make my book review on,because, we and already been reading and learning all about a book called Resistance. 

     For me it was hard to write the 'I think' and 'In my opinion' because, they are pretty much the same thing and its hard to re-write something that  you  have already written.