Thursday, June 20, 2019


Matariki Art!!!

Yesterday our class did Matariki, I chose to do Ururangi.
Ururangi represents the wind.
I think that Ururangi the wind should be appreciate.
One thing I could have done better is to make the wind strokes bolder.

Thursday, June 6, 2019


When I ate my persimmon it crunched like an apple.
  Crunchy, smooth, round, persimmons.
The perfect persimmons taste tariffic.
   Why do persimmons have big stars in the middle of them?,
The seeds are so BIG!!!
 I nervously chewed and swallowed with a big “ Gulp ”.

 When I bit into my persimmon it crunched and juice flew
out to the sides of my mouth.
The juice slid down the back of my throat,
giving me vitamins, minerals, fiber and ENERGY!