Tuesday, October 27, 2020


   Today we learnt about phishing, it is when people say they did something when they didn't, or when someone photoshops a photo so it looks like they went somewhere or did something.

    I created a fake postcard, it had to look real. So I took a photo of myself, removed the background and stuck myself on top of 'My new mansion in America'. It was hard removing the background, the computer did  not take out everything in the background, so I had to erase some stuff to make it look realer.

  I had Zach help me take my photo because there was no timer on the camera so Zach took the photo of me. 

   Here is the end result of my post-card!

Monday, October 19, 2020

What makes a good recount

     Earlier today Joelle and I discussed 10 important things that you must have in a writing recount for it to be more proper and interesting.

   First, before we started discussing things we watched a video. The video was about recounts! We got some of our things from the video we watched. We had to write our writing goal at the end of our blog post to see if we accomplish it! It took us one and a half writing sessions to finish our brain storming but it was worth it so,

    Here is what we think are important to incorporate in a recount;

  • In your introduction it is important to answer the five W's, who, what, where, when, and why.
  • Include your senses; see, smell, hear, feel, and touch.
  • Seperate your brainstorming into different sections (paragraphs) based on the topic of each idea.
  • Make sure your recount is in the right order. 
  • Maybe add a 1. 2. 3. planning so you remember what order your recount goes.
  • Use correct nouns and pronouns.
  • Add rich language.
  • End your recount with what you ended up feeling at the end, e.g I was glad I went to the doctors.
  • Try use time connectives.
  • Make sure to use correct punctuation.
  My writing goal for the remainder of this year is to become a level 4 writer and to become a faster one.